Arduino Pro Mini Clone
いちおうArduino Pro MIniとあったが、Deek-Robotというものの更に派生品なのか回路図もなんにもないので何かと思って接続を確認すると、ResetとAREFの間に接続されている。
Good afternoon,
返信削除My name is John writing you from Spain, I hope you understand a little English.
You're the only person I've found with this arduino, I have but also what you are left with the red light and does nothing more. I'm trying to turn up a bootloader using Arduino one, but I am not able, can you help?
my email is unbas [dot] forum [at] gmail [dot] com
Thank you very much!
Hi Jhon,
削除I didn't do nothing special thing.
Connect VCC, RXD, TXD, DTR to USB-Serial converter. Start Arduino IDE. Select serial port and "Pro or Pro Mini" board. Open "Blink" example sketch. Upload.That's all...
Sorry for my strange english.
I do not have any usb-serial converter, I only have an Arduino UNO to upload the sketch, I tried to do it using the Arduino UNO as ISCP but I always have errors 0x00, 0x15 and others.
返信削除I'll try to do as I say. You Might hang some wiring diagram? My Mini Pro has 2 RXD 2 TXD and which of them connect?
Forgive the questions but I have tried everything to make it work and do not get
Thank you very much for answering
I only have this Arduino. So I don't know how to upload the sketch with Uno.
削除If you have the Uno with DIP type Atmega chip, you could try as follows.
Remove Atmega chip on Uno from the socket.
Uno IO0 - Pro Mini RXD
Uno IO1 - Pro Mini TXD
Uno RESET - Pro Mini DTR
Uno 5V - Pro Mini VCC
Uno GND - Pro Mini GND
All pins that have same marking are same function.
This might not be the solution you want...
Do not know if I will serve but I'll try. Thank you very much for your answers
返信削除just press reset before trying to upload... :) Hope this helps.